Self Sabotage (and how to prevent it)

You’ve committed to your latest diet and the first 7 days were awesome, you smashed your weight loss and you’re feeling pumped.

And then the rest of the family orders pizza for dinner and the smell just overwhelms every good intention and you fall. Hard. Yep, self sabotage again. You’re positive you’ve just wasted the last 7 days efforts so you go back for seconds, even thirds and pitch into the icecream too.

Has it happened to you? It has to me!

Your environment ­ your home, your workspace, the people you surround yourself with ­ will always have a HUGE impact on your health. And if you work in an office or maybe you’re a teacher with a staff room stocked with special snacks and cakes then it’s highly likely you’ll be faced with some tough temptation on a regular basis.

If you spend a lot of time in this type of environment, it's hard not to let other people's bad habits drag you down.

So what can you do to prevent self sabotage?

Beyond ANYTHING you need to have your mindset right.

Know that you are NOT going to partake in that kind of careless and damaging eating on a regular basis. Don’t give yourself an option. Don’t allow yourself a choice.

Have that conversation with yourself early on and you’ll completely remove the temptation from your mind.

Depending on who the culprits are, you may also want to have a conversation with them about how the presence of tempting foods affects you. This conversation is a must-have if it's a problem in your home.

You must stand up for yourself and your health at all costs. Even better, teach your friends, family, and co-workers some of your healthy habits, and share your experience with them!

Tell them how you were able to change, and support them through that process. There’ll be plenty of times when your supposed “support” team will deliberately try to undermine your efforts so allow the pendulum to swing the other direction and actively campaign for healthy eating.

Everyone wins that way.


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